Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kitchen Chairs With Wheels Hell's Kitchen- Why Was The Ending So Dramatic?

Hell's Kitchen- Why was the ending so dramatic? - kitchen chairs with wheels

I must say that the end of Hell's Kitchen dramatically so so so so very very much. Male left voluntarily because of his injury. I wish they could stay, but why they have so dramatically when her wheelchair rolled into the driveway to the end. Oh la !!!!!!!! Drama


missbrib... said...

hahahahahah .. omg why thinking the same thing .. and to be honest, I think she wanted .. Attention I mean, I ran away .. and she acted as if his foot broken in two .. lol but when he rolled into the aisle in a wheelchair .. I fell out laughing ..

Kathleen M said...

I really really really wanted it could have stayed, and btw your name is Ji. I really really really loved him, because 1 in Asia (like me 2.) This was not a ***** and Colleen as lead 3rd worked hard and not much to complain, even in the kitchen sooome * cough * * *. Peak cough
Why the dramatic finale? Hmm, I thought it was strange how they rolled down the aisle, but I have not given much attention to it Cuz I waas sad. Perhaps they have not .... hmmm drama cuz its so-called "TV".

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