Monday, January 4, 2010

Canon Rebel Xs What Is The Best Lens Upgrade For Canon Rebel XS?

What is the best lens upgrade for Canon Rebel XS? - canon rebel xs

I often take photos of children and families. What is the update of the best 18-55mm lens for Canon EOS Rebel XS?

1 comment:

cabbiinc said...

What price range?

If you are looking for something to complement the 18-55 you can take a 75-300mm, or if it too long, 28-135 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS is a very good walk around the clock target. It is natural, not large (28 mm), but in the garden or park a priority.

The 24-70 was my images, especially of these lenses, but it cost over $ 1K.

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