Sunday, January 17, 2010

Discover Credit Is A Discover Credit Card Good For A College Student First Credit Card With An Apr Of 16.99?

Is a discover credit card good for a college student first credit card with an apr of 16.99? - discover credit

I am a student and a credit card. I've never had a credit card, but I know that the time has come for me to begin construction on my credit card. What should I do?


Erol A said...

Discover is not as widely accepted as Visa (or MasterCard). Password Visa and Discover cards instead of going with.

16.99% is high, but you should focus on the payment in full each month to plan anyway, in this case, regardless of the TAP.

In addition, make sure that no annual fee just to get this card. There are many issuers of credit cards that offer student credit card no annual fee. Bank of America, for example.

Once you (your credit and keep it for one year), must have a credit card rewards that a discount or premium airline received could apply.

Again, you pay your card in full each month. This will help your credit score the most. Do not believe when others say something else (there are many details that go wrong).

Good luck!

oc_steph... said...


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