Saturday, December 19, 2009

Addiction To Hydrocodrone How To Stop My Boyfriends Addiction To Gaming?

How to stop my boyfriends addiction to gaming? - addiction to hydrocodrone

My friend literally any game console, a virtual child, PS3, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360 ave. And everything he does is play .. He wants a game designer, so I do not play, but he plays all day, all night, he did not listen when HES their games, which will stop at nothing, not even play sex. I told him about this repeatedly, but he ignored me



Mitch said...

Take their God-given talents as a woman and learn how to manage or change to a man, the time to appreciate better.

sahib said...

actully easy thing you can do include my ass off, such as washing dishes or cook dinner, wash, you can more often. win gives x number of hours of video games, when everything he does is play, you need to do something driastic you expect DOR "acdentlly Catch packeing It is Wile" out "and say that it is not worthwhile to You take care. If desnt its work on two things:
Take away your game
his mother now, clean and care for him and not much else.

sahib said...

actully easy thing you can do include my ass off, such as washing dishes or cook dinner, wash, you can more often. win gives x number of hours of video games, when everything he does is play, you need to do something driastic you expect DOR "acdentlly Catch packeing It is Wile" out "and say that it is not worthwhile to You take care. If desnt its work on two things:
Take away your game
his mother now, clean and care for him and not much else.

sahib said...

actully easy thing you can do include my ass off, such as washing dishes or cook dinner, wash, you can more often. win gives x number of hours of video games, when everything he does is play, you need to do something driastic you expect DOR "acdentlly Catch packeing It is Wile" out "and say that it is not worthwhile to You take care. If desnt its work on two things:
Take away your game
his mother now, clean and care for him and not much else.

curious george23 said...

I am sorry to say this, but your friend is suffering "Hidradenitis PlayStation Palmar
look, this is a real disease
But should a serious, quit. If a man does not allow the driver to F ** k his beautiful wife, you know you have a serious problem
Hell, who prefers sex games?
Maybe he is gay? maybeee. Losin can claim their interest in the relationship, you can jeleous talk to other guys, you can walk naked erotic at home, plus dress sexy, etc. etc. etc. .... I can Goin. but hes probably a fag or something
Hit me up .......
I am a straight line --

Johnny said...

If a given priority in the gambling more than you, HES, and not just for you. From his position seems to have tried various methods to attract attention, but in vain. Try a group of friends or meeting place with no friends. Talking about things with them. Of course, you should go with the players he will not look ridiculous. That had to understand him, that HES could do to lose too much.

Alex said...

learn to play your favorite game and F *** him on the subject ... na serosa, however, that Fu means that finding for the help. So it was (except for sex) until my daughter told him that they, or the PS3, so I chose the PS3 and got a player of his chickens just not designed so that when you're having trouble do it now. Imagine if the new stuff comes out to be worse.

Jimmy said...

First is the dependence is a very anti - social.

So I go back often and tell your followers to places and get more. Encourage your child excerise and find an excuse to stop playing games when possible.

kelsey said...

You can not change it. You want to change, and it seems that it does not work. You can put or find someone who wants to be with you. It can be a difficult decision now seems, but if you to stay with him, probably even worse.

Darth Danny said...

No man can be removed from the console.
But seriously, if he do not need to hear, we say clearly how you feel. Physically turn off console and take the time to listen.
If that fails, then you are better off without him.

naughtyv... said...

Go tell him that you do not it.Do do you want to have sex with him. and threaten, if you hear breaking him.this work safely, because this work for me.go for it!

Havoc said...

play with him ... I mean, video games. If you find that you will spend some time with him and really do care about him, then he can do, or .. If not, then you could have fun playing anyway: P

michael said...

SCREW you all .. Leave the man alone .. I welcome him to leave his girlfriend to play video games .. who has nerves of steel!

Bakasora said...

Wait until your state of dependence to die or find a new friend.

Honeycom... said...

This is not the right person for you, you need to be with someone else, and he finds someone who loves video games such as not

Honeycom... said...

This is not the right person for you, you need to be with someone else, and he finds someone who loves video games such as not

MyBestAn... said...

You can not stop, prevent someone from what they enjoy doing. Sorry.

Abs said...

Strip dance in front of the screen when you are old enough

Otherwise, break it! There are still others who might actually care about you.

Have a nice life

I'm weird, ugly, and cute! said...

go and find a hot new boy, because his BF Currant not noticed because he is very concerned.

Tim said...

Get With Me LOL

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